Summer is here. The hot weather means that it is time for some iced coffee. Here’s the recipe for cooling off this summer: you’re going to need a big drinking cup, lots of ice, and Gazebo Blend from Starbucks. It is perfect iced!
Gazebo Blend has appeared in the summer line-up every year since 1991. In the not too distant past, the coffee mug merchandise often reflected the “coffee stamps” that were used on the flavor-lock coffee bags. I miss the coffee stamps which are now just something of an artifact of an era gone by. For others, like myself, who are nostalgic about the old coffee stamps, this blog post features an old coffee mug with an old coffee stamp design on it from roughly a decade ago.
Here’s an interesting piece of trivia: Gazebo Blend is sold in some international markets as “Oceanside Blend“. The flavor of Gazebo Blend can vary from year to year but it’s always a selection that includes East African beans with distinctive citrus notes making it perfect iced. The beans are processed by a “washed” method which helps to produce the clean finish and citrus notes that the coffee is famous for. Gazebo blend pairs well with blueberries, lemon, raspberries, and other tart fruits. This year’s Starbucks Gazebo Blend is available in both one pound, and half-pound sizes.
But wait! There’s more! I don’t want my readers just throwing some coffee in a drip brewer and then pouring it over ice! No no no! Please do NOT do this. Really wonderful iced coffee is NOT simply ordinary drip brew over ice. Rather, in order to account for the melting ice in the cup, iced coffee should be brewed “double strength”. The ice melting in the cup is diluting the coffee, so the best iced coffee takes this into account.
If you would normally use 2 tablespoons of ground coffee for every six fluid ounces of cold water, double up on the coffee to make your iced coffee at home. The ratio of 2 table spoons of coffee to about six ounces of water is a normal drip-brewed coffee ratio for coffee that will be consumed hot. However, use about four ounces of coffee for each six ounces of water to make “double strength” coffee. Brew your coffee, chill it, serve over ice!
If you are reading this, and you are anywhere near a Clover-designated Starbucks, you can easily try Gazebo Blend iced at your local Clover store. Since your coffee is custom prepared for you at a Clover store, you can order anything you want iced. If for some reason, you’re reading this and find that your local store is out of Gazebo, my second choice would be iced (Red) East African Blend. I have had that iced many times and it is almost as perfect as Gazebo Blend iced. It’s a close second.
Enjoy your iced coffee, and tell me what is your favorite iced coffee (or for that matter, what’s your favorite iced summer drink?).
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I’ve actually gotta say that Kenya is my favorite coffee iced. Gazebo is a close second though.
My favourite iced coffee would have to be iced Pike Place Roast. I mean their was a LTD offering last summer I can’t remember the name, but it had 10% kona coffee in it and was supurb iced! However, iced Pike is wonderful! Aside from this my fav summer drink is a Dark Cherry Passion Tea Lemonade! 🙂 mmmmmm!
I’m really upset that Hawaii has and will not receive any Gazebo Blend this year. I always look forward to this coffee every summer and have use my markout on it. It is amazing iced and I’m so incredibly sad that we don’t sell it or offer it our stores. We just have Kauai Estate and 100% Kona, which are fine coffees, but just not very exciting. In fact, the last special coffee we received was Casi Cielo in ground form. No Peru. No Ethiopia Limu. No Mexico Chiapas and now now Gazebo 🙁
I like Gazebo iced (also like Kenya iced), but do not care for Gazebo hot. Haven’t liked it being the bold pick recently.
In fact, yesterday, I asked the barista to do an espresso blend pour over instead of Gazebo. On a side note, she was a bit surprised that Espresso roast would be used as a drip.
My favorite iced coffee is one that gets me a treat receipt. I’d even stomach Pike’s Puke for a treat receipt but if I had my druthers I’d opt for any other except Pike’s Puke.
Melody- I don’t drink coffee anymore, however, I like the mugs with the stamps on them. Would be nice if they could do something like that with tumblers where you could put iced tea. My favorite iced tea (I know you primarily asked for coffee) is either green iced tea or green pomgrante iced tea.
I don’t do cold drinks, so my only experience with Gazebo was when they had it brewed. I’ve never actually gone back up to the barista and asked for something else before- did NOT like it. And is it really considered a bold?
I may have to give it another chance and do an iced coffee, but I’ll probably just stick with what I know I like.
Yeah! In Japan it’s called “Oceanside Blend”. It took me a little while to put two and 2 together though! Other than Gazebo, my favorite iced is Kenya – and Komodo Dragon Blend a surprising second. One day last summer I only had a bag of Komodo that I had partner m/out, so I tried it iced and it was DELICIOUS! Nevertheless it’s winter here and I’m drinking Sumatra. *yum*
I’ll just add that my other essential summer drink is an iced mint orange/mango-juice green tea. It sounds gross but with the right proportion there really is little better on a 95 degree summer day in Brisbane!
I would have never guessed about brewing the coffee double strength. But it totally makes sense! And now I’m definitely craving some yummy iced coffee. 🙂
@purple1 @Sarah @Jordan @Katherine @Steve
@Purple1 – I am going to have to figure out some more Tazo Tea topics for you. Help suggest something! I know that there are plenty of Starbucks fans who go in for the tea.
@Sarah – Glad to help you out with the double strength! Are you on summer break from college? Good to see you here as always. I will email you too.
@jordan – Thank you!! I had only heard that Starbucks calls Gazebo Blend “oceanside” Blend but I didn’t know where! Iced Komodo Drago? It’ll be a long time before I try that.
@Katherine – This isn’t really a true bold as far as I can tell, but it’s hard to gauge when you always drink it iced. The official Starbucks description is something like medium body in the mouth (weight of the coffee, mouth feel like comparing how non fat milk tastes versus two percent versus half and half) but yet bold overall profile (lots of flavor complexity). That’s a medium to bold coffee in my mind, but these labels like “bold” and “medium” never bother me. I don’t think much about them because I don’t think that one word can tell you much about a coffee – too subjective, and coffee is too complex. Hope that makes sense! And I love seeing you here too! 🙂
@Steve – You can find a nearby Clover at Greenlake. Maybe get an iced Gazebo Blend in the morning, and then you’ll have a treat receipt for later. I like mine sweetened with classic syrup, though not much.
The double brewed iced coffee I know is double strength coffee + an equal volume of ice = fresh cold regular strength coffee.
Add ice when serving but there’s no ice in the cup melting to consider.
Gazebo has been my favorite summer coffee (or summer drink, period) since circa 1997 or 1998. I’m glad you noted the importance of proper brewing… I think iced coffees don’t get the attention they deserve. Too many typical coffee drinkers don’t consider iced drip coffee as a viable option – and then if they do, they try some watered down brew once and that’s the end of that. Double strength brew up some Gazebo, chill, THEN ice and add a little bit of raw sugar and cream = perfection! Easy to serve at a summer BBQ or just to have in your own fridge for anytime.
@Brad really?! …eww lol no offense 😉
@CD sad she didn’t know that 🙁
@jordan, now I want to try Komodo iced!
I LOVE Gazebo!! I think I’m going to get some more tonight, as I blew through my first pound right fast! It is a medium , not a bold by the way. I don’t care if Starbucks said it was their bold brew a couple of weeks ago. Just look at the bean compared to PIKE. It was LIGHTER. Yea, I’ll just let that go…(it was classified as medium until this summer at least, any older information on it said medium)
I love it pressed as well by the way. In the morning, with some oatmeal with blueberries in it. Amazing!
I made a press of this last night to introduce another partner to it. She LOVES (RED) so I thought that she would like it. We talked coffee for quite a while, it was fantastic.
Iced gazebo is fantastic with sliced oranges!
I used to love iced Serena organic. Fantastic!
I stay pretty caffeinated in the summer. Especially with this southern heat and humidity!
I saw this arrive on the shelves, asked the manager if they were tracking store sales and when she affirmed, decided to try it for our office. I have just been brewing it up, as in the afternoon I go to the store and get an iced latte by habit. (Plus it has been cool in LA in the mornings… heatwaves yet this year….if I were on the East Coast I would change my tune and be one of those people with feet in the fountains at lunch)
Anyway, I initially thought it was called SUMMER BLEND, as that is the prominent writing on the bag…I didnt look to see if it said MEDIUM or BOLD, but thought it tasted stronger than past MEDIUMs that Starbucks offers.
Also, reviewing my receipt I found that I paid $10.45, not $11.95. My manager still marks off $1.50 when I get a drink with my bean purchase, so that discount came off the beans, and the tall drink came off as No Charge.
I’m doing a seminar about Gazebo Blend at the Town Square Starbucks tonight!!! Thanks for your info about Oceanside Blend. How did you hear about that? And do you know which international markets use that name for this blend?
Just read Jordan’s response. Japan calls it Oceanside Blend.
I just recently started to enjoy iced coffee, usually stick to hot coffees but maybe the few I had before Starbucks were proportionally off. Never had iced coffees last summer, so I’ll give this one a whirl. The iced coffee is the reason I wish they would bring almond syrup back. Every time I think of iced coffee with 1 pump of almond in it, it just sounds like that would be a good combination.
@CamSpi – I hope that Nob stops by (or any readers from Japan?) and has a pic of “Oceanside” Blend packaging. To be honest, I had no idea where it was called that – I had heard that from a partner and thought it was interesting.
Melody, I’m glad that someone else loves the (RED) East African Blend Iced, when it first came out I knew that it would be delicious iced with its brown sugar orange notes, but I am one the few at my store who drinks black coffee and the rest of the partners didn’t like the taste it had when mixed with syrups and sauces. Another one that was delicious iced i think was Brazil Imponema Burbon (bad spelling on that I know). It wasn’t selling well so my manager and I decided to brew two iced coffees during our peak days and ask customers if they wanted Terraza or the Brazil (hoping they would like the Brazil and we could sell more pounds of it). It was a fun education time as most customers thought we just poured the hot coffee over ice and didn’t know about brewing it double strength and such. Anyway back to the point, it was refreshing as is was very lively, but was a lot lighter than Terraza, so when drunk black all it flavors came out and it was delicious. Gazebo is amazing too though, it’s what I’m brewing at home in my french press, just let it brew for 12 hours overnight and you have amazing iced coffee in the morning, with almost no acidity.
to Karl D…: It actually does look like it’s being ‘called’ SUMMER blend, since, as you said, that’s the large wording..the smallest word in that ‘title’ section (am looking at it right now) is actually “GAZEBO”, above largest: SUMMER and then 2nd largest, next to “SUMMER” is the word “BLEND”…larger than the word Gazebo. I’ve also never seen it so emphasized, or even referred to, as ‘FOR ICE’. unless they’re just trying to have something replace the terraza. ??? Also, of note to me, was that the hald pds. bags cost more than a pound. ie: $11.95/lb bag or $6.45/half pd bag. I do not recall Sbux charging more for half pounds…..than the total pound. Of course, the smaller amnts of things are generally more, but I don’t rmember seeing halves charged more than a # equals at Sbux.
On another note to Karl: I’ve never seen this markdown on a # when you buy a drink, and then also nc for the drink? Is it me, or is that weird?
It does not say on the packaging or anywhere in our promo info if it’s bold or medium…BUT today I came across coffee stamps from 2 previous years, and they both say bold. So, I dunno. It’s delish, that I do know 🙂
@Jetblue-oh, I want to try brewing in the french press over night like that! Thank you!
@Melody It seems that starbucks has some new tazo teas: from SBUX75DEVILDOG this is one of the teas Ti Kwan Yin
I am trying to get my hands on them; if they are in your Starbucks perhaps you could try one?
Oh and thanks @Jetblue and Melody for the tips in different better ways to make iced coffee!
I just saw your note to me Melody. I’m having surgery Monday but next time I walk to the left at Greenlake I’ll cut my walk short and try that Gazebo stuff to get a treat receipt. I usually get an iced coffee at the Safeway store for my treat receipt but I’ll try the Greenlake store. I get all my free drinks at the Greenlake store because the Safeway store doesn’t honor the post cards.
The coffee seminar was really cool! Great coffee conversations happened! Told them all about Oceanside Blend. One guy was from Portland, so we talked about the northwest’s view on Starbucks, and how it differs greatly from down here in Texas! Woohoo! I love good Starbucks moments! Thanks for your info! It was a great resource for my tasting. The updates for our coffee and tea resource manual haven’t showed up yet, so I never really LOOKED up all the info I normally would about Gazebo Blend (although it still is technically in the “portal”.)
@CamSpi – I know there are updates out there for this coffee. I got some help from a Starbucks Coffee Master in writing this, and that how I got the information that it’s “bold” but with “medium” mouth feel (I think?) and the information about how to pair this coffee. I _try_ to write accurate blog articles, though as we have seen a number of times, sometimes I don’t get i right. I would love to hear what your Portland friend said about the differences between TX and PNW. For the most part, my experience with Oregon (very little experience there) is that the Starbucks experience is pretty consistent with WA state…
If you look at the other thread where I review two drive-thru stores, you’ll see Christopher’s comments about Starbucks in Ohio. It’s almost upsetting to read. Like a different business entirely.
Melody, I’ve been creeping around your site for a few months. It’s been wonderful to have my eyes opened to such an intresting business via the internet and blogs, and I’m so thankful that you do this. After reading this post earlier today, I went out to the Starbucks near me and picked up a 1/2lb bag of Gazebo. I also tried a short Pike–I want to start expanding my coffee experience–with a not-so-pleasant result. I dislike Pike.
Just finished brewing Gazebo. I’m excited! However, the next time I may also try preparing this coffee in a cold brew Toddy system much like one would at a Seattle’s Best store. The cafe I currently work in makes all of our iced beverages this way, and it creates a wonderfully smooth coffee. I’d recommend you try it if you ever have the spare $35 or so it costs to get one.
Basically he said that there’s more choice in the PNW for where to get your premium roasted coffee, so Starbucks isn’t always the first choice. But he did say it was always consistent. It brought on discussion on in store roasters for smaller cafes in the Portland area. He said I would LOVE Portland. But he and his company totally enjoyed Gazebo Blend as both hot and iced coffees.
Two very different Oceanside Blend pictures:
Thanks, google.
My favorite summer drink is still my usuals: hot coffee, often in the form of a misto, orange mango smoothie, hot tea, & chai (all tweaked to my specifications); and then add into the mix iced coffee. I’m not a big iced drinker.
I didn’t read most of the ocmments (I work in 7 hrs…why am I online?), but I saw someone mentioned iced Komodo Dragon. I don’t do iced coffee, but I know iced Komodo Dragon is very popular.
Also, if you’re doing iced coffee, try cold brewing it. That’s how I do all my iced tea at home.
@Alexander – Thank you for coming out of lurker mode and joining in the conversation. That was a great comment you left. Glad you like Gazebo. I have had “Cold Brew” coffee before and it’s good. It’s quite common to find “cold brew” coffee offerings at indy houses in Seattle. And 15th Avenue Coffee and Tea does a cold brew too. Very smooth and even. I like. Please come back often! 🙂
@CamSpi – There is such an amazing coffee culture here in Seattle. But there is a trend for many local roasters to produce light roast offerings. I think it’s almost in reaction to Starbucks. I’m not a fan of light roast coffee (usually). But when all is said and done, there are so many roasters in Seattle, that there is something for everyone!
@densie r- I have never seen that strange mark down that karldotcom mentioned either. And I wanted to mention to you, since I know you like this coffee, that Yirgacheffe is another Starbucks coffee that is amazing iced! I’ve had that iced often too.
Great article! The only iced coffee I normally drink is the standard Terraza Blend that Starbucks uses in stores for its iced coffee. I’ve tried (Red), Yirgacheffe, Bella Vista, even House Blend, but none of these satisfies me as an iced coffee. Yirgacheffe, as I recall, seemed to lose its wonderful blueberry flavors when it was chilled. Gazebo could work; it doesn’t do much for me hot, but maybe it’s better iced. I also wonder about some of the medium roasts, such as Three Region Blend, with its acidity and fruity flavors. I enjoy Terraza so much that I hesitate to fix what isn’t broken… But I think it’s great there are so many options for different tastes.
I almost picked up some of the Gazebo Blend the other day. I’ve seen it every summer for who knows how long, but never took any home to try.
thanx Melody. (what IS up with that weird markdown on that # of beans and drink thing with Karl….?)
re: Yirgacheffe, it is soo sooo precious to me, I could never do it cold. For me, there’s something lost in cold and Yirga. is too valuable, to me, for cold. or maybe not ‘lost’ in cold but, Yirga. just too precious for me to ever have and not slowly enjoy ever swallow.
denise r & melody –
I am not exactly sure of the process, but I have had it happen at a couple stores. The barista or manager usually has to have been there a long time. Lets just say pre-Gold Card…if you bought a pound of beans, and ordered a drink other than a tall drip, there was a step at the register to apply a $1.50 discount toward a latte, or mocha. That usually only happened if the person at the register knew and liked you. I am assuming the $1.50 is the price of a tall drip that you were entitled to get for free.
Well, after the gold card reward was clarified….and any tall drink is now listed as N/C….the discount gets applied to anything left on the purchase.
I will see if I still have the receipt on my desk at work. Or if I can have them replicate it again next week.
I love how every year people are so excited in the return of Gazebo. I have found myself drinking a lot more Iced coffee these days and at the store we go thru five pitchers on a slow day. Summer is here and the East Coast is getting hammered with heat so Viva La Iced Via!!!!!!!!!!
I asked one of the supers who I know has been there for years and is knowledgeable about the coffee. She said that it’s switched back and forth between being labeled a bold and a medium, which she does not get either!! She agreed that it looks/tastes like a medium roast. I agree with you Melody that that is subjective, but on the other hand, starbucks does have a standard. So, maybe I should say by starbucks standards it’s a medium roast? I find it strange that they have classified it as different things different years.
It is officially classified as a medium this year on the Starbucks website.
I’ve just about finished off my first pound of Gazebo this summer – loathe it hot, love it iced. I’ll probably pick up a pound of Red next, though, or maybe 3 Region Blend if it’s still around (disliked it hot but thought it would be great for iced coffee).
@cb – Espresso Roast is a great drip coffee! I’ve been alternating between that and Verona for my daily brew.
Hey folks, I had a question about Starbucks iced coffee. The official description is “lightly sweetened”, but there’s a limit to how much sugar I can drink and the official info for a tall iced coffee is just skirting the edge of what I can tolerate (they say 18g sugar, and that’s about my limit). As far as I know, I either have to pony up the extra money to get an iced skinny latte, or go to Dunkin Donuts which doesn’t pre-sweeten (they just pour their hot coffee over ice, instead of prepping batches of iced coffee). But… is the Starbucks iced coffee actually pre-sweetened, or can I get one made with the daily bold coffee poured over ice? (I’d ask, but lately I only seem to be at a Starbucks when it’s slammed and I don’t want to hold up the line)
Perrik, Starbucks’ iced coffee is not pre-sweetened; they do that to order. You can order it unsweetened, and often baristas will ask whether you want it sweetened or unsweetened.
You don’t want hot coffee poured over ice.
@Haley, and get the new coffee stamp says “BOLD” and the official starbucks site said we brewed it as our bold drip the one week…so yea. Not very clear!
@perrik the iced VIA is lightly sweetened. If you order an iced coffee, just ask for no classic and it will not be sweetened. Starbucks brews their coffee for iced coffee very differently than regular coffee. If you were to just as for the bold with ice, you’d get a watery cup of coffee. The iced coffee is brewed double strength….like Melody suggests in this post 😉 It’s also held cold.
*and yet
That sounds so yummy!
A question: since strong coffee is needed, would espresso be a good replacement to make iced coffee? I’m thinking of making one using a bit of milk and all I have is espresso!
-French Bean
I had Kenya iced today and really enjoyed it. I thought it was even more citrus-y cold than it is hot (which is why I love it so much). It tasted fantastic with a taste of lemon poppyseed loaf too.
@Melody – re: tea ideas. We have a customer who comes in and gets an iced tea made with chai. While I don’t like chai, I’ve been wondering what an iced calm or iced refresh might taste like… I think I’ll try it later this week.
I finally got around to asking at two of my regular stores – the partners at both told me the iced coffee was pre-sweetened. Is that against corporate procedure? (both stores are under the same district manager, for what it’s worth)
No matter. I’ve got a batch of double-strength Gazebo in the fridge, and it’s calling my name right now…
@Michelle, I ice chai. I think it’s really nice 🙂 You get the zing without it being so so sugary (i.e. an iced chai latte)
@Perrik You need to find a new cafe I think…Classic syrup can or cannot be added to the iced coffee. It’s not already added, it’s added to the cup. Enjoy the Gazebo!
Maybe they are referring to the Iced Via pitcher……each Iced Via packet has 22 grams of sugar.