I’ve learned from this blog is that many people aren’t quite sure how to talk to Starbucks. I receive about ten to fifteen emails every month (sometimes many more) from people who click the “contact me” form on this site. I welcome you to contact me, but would like to address common themes in these emails.
Many people write short emails and addressing me like as if I worked for Starbucks. Once in a blue moon, I’ll get emails addressed to “Howard.” I receive a few emails now and then where people simply tell me that they enjoy reading the blog. I have to admit that’s great to hear and it’s encouraging to me to keep this blog going. Once in a blue moon, I’ll get tips about things that could be coming to Starbucks, or new drinks or food. I love getting tips on what’s going to be up and coming and new.
The reality is that for the average person who has no pre-established contacts within the Starbucks headquarters, knowing where to ask a question directly to Starbucks can be confusing. I notice that I get the same kinds of emails over and over again: How can I get a job at Starbucks? Where can I find a certain item? etc… So based on my experience with these emails I receive, here’s my “How To” guide for those wanting to contact Starbucks:
1. I would like to work for Starbucks:
If you want to work at Starbucks, visit http://www.starbucks.com/career-center
I definitely recommend using twitter too. You can connect with the official StarbucksJobs profile on twitter, or there are a few non-official twitter profiles that tweet about Starbucks career opportunities. The profiles “MonicaRecruiter,” Amy Hamdorff, and Kirsti Stubbs, all tweet unofficially of some Starbucks job opportunities in Canada.
Twitter is such a great tool to connect with people. Use that “@” reply and get in a conversation! This, by the way, really is one of the most common requests that I receive in emails.
2. I broke my favorite mug, coffee canister, or other collectible. How can I find a replacement? Or how can I find a specific collectible mug or card or other item?
I am sorry, there is no sure-fire easy way to get a replacement of an old mug, cup, tumbler or any other Starbucks product Try eBay. I don’t have any special sources for collectibles.
3. The baristas at my Starbucks are surly and/or my beverage is not quite right.
Anything that is specific to one store is really best handled by Customer Service. Here is how you reach them:
Retail Customer Relations
(800) 235-2883
Mon – Fri 5 AM – 6 PM (PST)
You can also use this email form to reach them:
4. Can you arrange for me to meet Howard Schultz, Annie Young Schrivner, or some other public figure Starbucks person, or some VP within the Starbucks headquarters?
I don’t know what else to say other than “no.” I do have some contacts and resources within the Starbucks corporate headquarters, but I won’t tax the limit of those connections to arrange meetings for people who send me random emails. And I apologize for how harsh this sounds. If I constantly were trying to get people who email in touch with people at the SSC, I’d have no contacts left.
5. I wish Starbucks had more sugar free syrups, or other idea for the retail stores:
This is exactly the kind of thing that MyStarbucksIdea.com was designed for. If you have a novel idea for Starbucks and your idea is NOT something you want to earn any money from, then MyStarbucksIdea.com is the place to visit. (Please use the search button on that site before creating a new thread!)
6. I am a student writing an essay about Starbucks and/or I am a marketing student studying the relationship between brands and their fans, would you help with xyz thing …
I am surprised how often I get these requests. More often than not, I ignore them. I am really sorry but I don’t have time to help you with your homework. Please remember this entire blog is just a little hobby. I usually decline to assist you in surveys, essays, or answer questionnaires. Please don’t take offense.
7. I have a brilliant product or recipe or promotional idea or promotional image that I would like to sell, contract, lease, or in some way be reimbursed for by Starbucks:
First off, before you think that you have the next brilliant partnership for Starbucks, please realize the scale of Starbucks. As a billion dollar corporation, there are many more people pitching ideas at them than they could ever say “yes” to. I know this sounds harsh, but the reality is that if you are trying to enter into any kind of professional partnership with Starbucks, or any type of business relationship with Starbucks, you’re likely going to hear “no.” Probably 99% of everyone does hear “no.” It’s just a matter of the numbers. Starbucks is really big and probably gets thousands and thousand and thousands of professional proposals every single year.
If you already have some inside contact at the Starbucks headquarters, use those first. For example, if you’re trying to pitch the next big “green” idea and you already know someone who works in Corporate Social Responsibility team at the Starbucks headquarters, contact that person.
Most people don’t have any inside contacts. If you have a product that you want Starbucks to sell, I still recommend the old-fashioned way of getting in touch with them: Write a letter. Send a highly professional (your grammar and English should be flawless and far better than my sloppy quick writing style on this blog!) cover letter to the headquarters with a product sample and/or a very nice brochure. Here’s the headquarters address:
Starbucks Support Center
2401 Utah Avenue – 8th Floor Reception
Seattle, WA 98134
You could call Customer Service and attempt to talk to someone about your business idea, but I think the odds of this getting you anywhere are slim to none. I am under the impression that many Customer Service representatives will suggest to people that they should submit their idea to MyStarbucksIdea.com. Personally, I don’t think this is a great idea. Imagine that you have a great recipe you want to sell to Starbucks. Let’s say you have a great recipe for muffin tops. I doubt that any executives working in R & D have the time to comb through MyStarbucksIdea.com looking for future business ideas. Maybe I’m being overly pessimistic about this, but rather than hoping you will be ‘found’ as a needle in a haystack of ideas, I think it’s better that you go directly to them. At least if you put your recipe in an envelope, and address it to “food research and development.” there is some off chance that it will end up on the right person’s desk.
Also, keep in mind that when you call up Customer Service, you’re speaking with a contracted service in New Mexico. It is possible that your call could be “escalated” to the right person at the headquarters, but I think the odds of this happening are very very very small.
I should make it really clear that I don’t have the answers here. I personally have never made any attempt to enter into a business or professional relationship with Starbucks. And if I did have a business proposal, I would probably use the contacts that I have within the SSC.
And this answer above includes people who want to enter into an agreement to get their own music played inside a Starbucks. You could try MyStarbucksIdea.com, though I’ve already discussed the flaws of that option.
I’m sorry that there is no better answer to this dilemma.
8. I am journalist for xyz newspaper or magazine or news source, and I would like to speak to you about something Starbucks is doing in the news:
Once in a blue moon I have received media requests through this blog. I don’t really mind being a Starbucks commentator! It’s possible that if you’re media, and want to speak to me and cite me in whatever you’re writing that I’ll just talk to you. Use the “contact me” form on this site.
9. Why isn’t there a Starbucks in xyz location?
If you really want to request a new store location, then carefully read this blog post on how to do so:
Where to make a Starbucks store location request – Official post from the MyStarbucksIdea.com blogs.
10. I have questions about my Starbucks card and the rewards program:
If you want to ask questions about the MyStarbucksRewards program or your card, you have a number of options.
From the Starbucks website, there is this contact information:
Starbucks Card Customer Service
(800) 782-7282
Mon – Fri 5 AM – 8 PM (PST)
If you use twitter, you can follow the official StarbucksCard twitter profile, and then tweet at Starbucks your question.
There is information here about the rewards program at this link here:
I have an older blog article from about one year ago on pitfalls of MyStarbucksRewards – Top Four Pitfalls of MyStarbucksRewards. That article is a little dated now, but I think it still contains some good information.
And just so you know, you can now get a free tall any beverage when buying a bag of the Reserve line of coffee, when you’re at the “green” level of benefits or higher.
I consider myself to be pretty knowledgeable about the rewards, so I do try to answer some of these questions. Unfortunately, please keep in mind that the United States’ version of MyStarbucksRewards is not quite the same as some of the international variations.
I also receive emails asking me where a certain product is available. For example, people will be looking for a certain grocery Starbucks item, and will email me asking which grocery stores might have it.
I don’t want to discourage people from writing me, as I’ve mentioned before, but I do want to sort of explain common email patterns, and don’t be surprised if I take a few days to reply, and then suggest ebay to find a collectible mug. This blog is not how I make a living. (Though I would be happy if you would use the Amazon widget to buy books and such. A small earnings from Amazon can help offset the costs of operating the blog.) I don’t work for Starbucks. I work full-time Monday through Friday. On weekends, I tend to spend several hours writing blog articles that then get scheduled for the upcoming week. And that’s it. This blog is a hobby. And, it is a hobby that I thoroughly enjoy.
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oh melody! (how perfectly linear!!;) This actually is, as usual, very beautifully written; clear, easy to read and to the point. And likely very useful for some people. But, just as I say that, I’m thinking..just like on msi, the people who mostly send you those type of emails are probably going to continue the same pattern and possibly never even read this thread!!!
BUT, you have given us, your loyal followers, a great (and fun….sorry;( insight into what happens to you due to this blog!
Have a great day! (we are recovering from SEVERE storms, trees down everywhere, I am glad to be one of the few still with electric!)
@Denise – Oh the harsh reality Denise!! It’s true that for many of these emails, it seems like the person hasn’t read anything here on the site. But now I can use this link in a reply, to the next person who says that they want to work at Starbucks.
this is not only a much needed post (i can only imagine the mail you get, Mel) but also a great resource for information that probably every partner gets asked as well! i’m tempted to print it out for some of my friends who work at starbucks. i know i could have used it when i worked there!
Hi Kelly! Thanks for dropping by the blog. I’d be flattered if you printed it out for anyone at all, partner or not. I think that there are some partners who might not be aware of all these links. New partners are often totally unfamiliar with MyStarbucksIdea.com.
Melody not to repeat the other comments but this blog piece is just so wonderful, very informative and something that I am glad you wrote. Isn’t it interesting how people respond to different blogs? I appreciate and continue to appreciate all the pieces you write and the time you take away from your real job. And the community you have created is outstanding. Some day you should have a meetup of members of your community. How wonderful that would be!
I was surprised at this post. There are many selfish people. I am disappointed with the existence of people letting you be tired. But, I think there will be always the problem because you are very famous. I’m sorry for baby sitter work.
Anyway, I’m always willing to help your blog work. Always thank you for the good post!
@Nob: I just love how your words go together to Melody!
we are very much a mess all around here, btw, from a tornado touching down AT OHare, and just trees down and uprooted every 20yrds, at least. Luckily, no deaths. It was an amazing experience, in the basement with my cat and a few other things listenig to what sounded (and obviously was) wood cracking and splitting for 10 solid min. very lucky.
Denise, did that just happen? My aunt & uncle live south of Chicago, I’d better go check that they’re ok!
And to think I was just going to ask you to hook me up with Howard and a job at Starbucks. Oh well! I still enjoyed the read.
ps: Glad to see your ok Denise. Last night was not fun at all. I think last night was worse than being in Hurricane Charley in Florida in 2004. I sat outside and watched that one. I thought it was bad by me, but it looked worse today at OHare and from Des Plaines going west. God Bless!
Sorry to hijack your blog Mel…..
@Michelle – It depends where. People on the South Side of the City I work with had downpours. Those living Southwest of the City (like Joliet) heading North / North East got pounded. We had Electrical Transformers exploding where I lived and yet Denise’s area still had it worse.
@Nobrice – You crack me up! You have such a way of saying things!
@DeniseR – Oh that would be so scary! I am glad that you and cat (and roomie?) are all okay. What a mess. Hey your internet survived okay too!
Melody … re: “I have a brilliant product for Starbucks…”
The advice I’ve given people who are convinced their product idea is exactly what Starbucks needs is to PROVE IT. Prove it by having a track record of sales success. Build it. Ship it. Sell it.
Starbucks will rarely, if ever, sell a non-beverage product that lacks a proven track record of sales success. Starbucks doesn’t have the time or patience to buy ideas. They will, however, buy proven products that connect with people.
I then tell these aspiring entrepreneurs that when they have proven sales success, their chances of attracting the attention of Starbucks are much greater because they don’t have to approach Starbucks. Instead, Starbucks will approach them.
Hi John Moore from Brand Autopsy – First off, my blog readers SHOULD be reading your blog too: http://www.brandautopsy.com! Well, you already knew I’m a big fan.
I would assume that for many products, it’s the same. If you have the next brilliant biscotti, that too should have a track record of success. But it seems that many want short cuts, and they look at Starbucks and see big potential dollar signs. There aren’t really the short cuts.
The “I want a job” emails of various sorts though are by far my most common email followed by “Where can I find xyz collectible?”
Denise glad to hear you are ok. It must have been some experience for sure.
re: storms in Chicago area. Thanx for everyone’s concern. There were actually two tornadoes that touched down, one (this is Tues. nite, the 21st) in Downers Grove (sw) at 8:33P and then one in Mt Prospect (nw) at 8:55P. The rest was just tremendous wind (80+mph) and very hit and miss. You cannot go 20yds w/out seeing a tree either split or uprooted. I talked with a friend in Park Ridge (where we were Melody, the new store story!) and that suburb also was hit hard.
Many Sbux had no power, of course, so I went yesterday to the next town over, Arlington Hts…they had power so were totally overwhelmed with all the extra people. They were out of nearly every food item by 10A! amazing.
sorry about all this on your blog Melody…but, good way to get out info, esp. if people are asking!
Denise I know the tornado questions are off topic and Melody is quite nice to let the conversation flow but that is testament to her great community and the service it provides people especially to know people we know are ok and if there are other people we know that might be in the area but not read this blog (shame on them!) are ok as well.
@purple1: I totally agree. This happens to be a very nice community. (and a well-written blog by Melody, of course!)
Somehow it amazes me that this blog has had like 9,951 comments on it over the course of its life so far. I should figure out something nice to do for the person who leaves the 10,000th comment. LOL. So this is comment 9952.
Melody congrats to you for making this blog so successful and for again bringing such incredible people to the table so to speak!
(Comment 9953)
If this were msi, after purple!’s comment, any one individual alone over there could make 48 comments in just a couple hours. And all 48 would be meaningless jibber jabber.
(Comment 9955)
oops! Bad math….. 47 comments…..
(Comment 9956)
@chgo: don’t get ahead of yourself;) you skipped #9954……
(Comment 9959)
uh-oh! I just saw #9954 in another thread. this could get way too obsessive…..I think I will stop paying attention to the numbers…. (I’m too abstract;)
(Comment 9960 – And Denise, yes you are an abstract thinker!! That’s what I love about you. :))
This a GREAT POST Melody, as usual. I especially like #4 LOL I was sure you kept Howard’s appointment book.
Dear Melody,
I know this is a silly question but do they wash your apron for you or do you take it home yourself? I’M JUST KIDDING. LOL!
The first time I visited you blog I thought you worked for SB but I figured it out within about 5 minutes that you were just an enthusiast that knows a butt load more than I do.
I especially love #9. Where do you live? Drive 5 miles in any direction within any city that has 5000 people or more and you will find a Starbucks. If you do not qualify for this, then by all means contact SB so they know to place one of their 50 bazillion stores in your town.
Great job answering some of the questions yo get asked all the time. Hopefully your inbox will clear up a bit.
Happy coffee drinking!
@Allie –
I was pretty foolish to think that people would stop and read this before emailing me. They don’t. I got a couple more emails over the weekend where it is totally obvious that people find this blog, and are hot to click that “contact me” button, as if I am customer service. I’m surprised at how people don’t both reading before they email. I would not email a blog owner without first looking around at what the content was, and trying to figure out if the blogger has written about what I want to know more about.
I also get random emails where people write out that they have a great organization that should have a coffee donation. “Dear Manager …”
Sigh. I just want people to read before they email me.
Melody – they probably put Starbucks into Google and find you. Which is a good thing – you build the community one lost coffee soul at a time.
Have you hit 10,000 comments yet?
How very helpful! I like the idea of addressing all of this in a single blog post. I’m surprised at some of the questions you receive, honestly. Especially that you sometimes get emails addressed to Howard… It’s sad (and kind of lazy) that some people can’t be bothered to even look at or skim your blog—that’s all they’d have to do to realize that you aren’t Customer Service or directly affiliated with Starbucks.
Hi Melody! What if you have an invention you wanted to propose to Starbucks? Not on paper but an actual prototype? Who do you recommend contacting?
Best, Stacey
Hi Stacey – I’m incredibly jaded about the odds of getting your product introduced by Starbucks. This says nothing about your product – I am sure it is wonderful, but the reality is that Starbucks is huge. It can be like trying to deal with an oil company. I’ve experienced this. Imagine if you wanted to introduce a product to Phillips Conoco how bewildering it would be?
I have a limited number of contacts within Starbucks. If it were me, I’d try to contact someone directly in the department it best fit. So if I had an invention that related to being green, and saving cups, I’d target someone in CSR department. If I had an invention that related to the Card, I’d try to contact someone in the “brand loyalty” department.
I know I sound incredible jaded, but I am. At the size that Starbucks is, it is very very hard to propose new things. I still get emails from readers asking me to make internal contacts for people. As a matter of policy, I’ve just stopped doing that all together. I have precious contacts within the SSC and I can’t turn to them to for every email I get where some one wants to meet Annie Young Shrivner and/or wants an SSC contact. A few of the people whom I can email, I need to do so only sparingly and when it is truly important. (It surprises me how often people email me wanting to meet Annie Young Shrivner???)
I am sorry. I really am. There is nothing in what I wrote that will help your situation, and I just can’t help you. I am not even sure I could help myself if I were in your situation. I have never made any attempt to enter into a business relationship with Starbucks, and so that would be new for me.
I developed a small, portable, and very effective device to preserve wine for restaurants and winebars……. so when I read that Starbucks was going to start selling wine at some of their stores I sent them a packet about my product and offered to demo it for t6hem or send them one. I received a form note back saying that Starbucks does NOT accept sales solicitations from outside the company. SO…………. how would someone make them aware of a niche item that could help them maximize their cost structure in this new wine business? I then sent a registered letter direct to Mr. Schultz’ office and to their VP of Operations…………….. got no reply to either.
The daughter of a friend works in one of their testing departments. She checked around for me and the response was to use Mt Starbucks Ideas. Did that too…………nothing. It is obviously possible that they see no need for my product, but it would be nice to have a t least some recognition that someone has made a conscious decision in that regard. Ideas?
I am going to try to write you a polite, genuine, honest reply. But undoubtedly, it won’t be what you want to hear. First off, I am sorry you didn’t get the response you want, or any movement with Starbucks. I can only imagine that when you pour your heart into developing something, you hope that others can see how valuable it is.
The reality is that Starbucks is almost completely impossible to solicit to, in hopes of gaining a pecuniary business relationship. Almost impossible. And, I think to a lesser degree, they think that if your idea really is superb, you don’t need them and you will make it a success.
The odds that any executive in a critical decision making position is going to reach down to a lone idea and grasp that one idea from MyStarbucksIdea.com for business use, (in the kind of profit-seeking business relationship you’re seeing) is close to zero.
And Starbucks is so huge that they are absolutely bombarded with requests. I have heard stories. Bombarded. They invariably have to say “no” to 99.9% of the business proposals that come their way.
Starbucks is so huge that they really do have their own sophisticated team of people doing research and development. And sometimes they do reach out to others.
As an aside, I thoroughly enjoy the Starbucks coffee gear store, and the guy who runs it, John, is super nice. From where his register is, he can look right at what is happening at the reception area. I’ve heard stories from him that random people will come up with trays of muffins, food items, and products, and hand it off to reception, all because they think they have the next big thing.
You’ve got a product to preserve wine … Starbucks probably is not your answer. Patent it. Market it. And be an entrepreneur. (Okay, I realize that sounds ridiculous from me – I’ve never patented or marketed a product, and I am not an entrepreneur.)
Good luck. Sorry to be so down-right discouraging.
Hi there,
I have a recipe for some delicious nutritious bars. How do I find out if Starbucks would be interested?