IMAG7294 40th Bridgeport Way Starbucks store 342 Tacoma 29Sep2013I dropped by the Starbucks at 40th and Bridgeport, in Tacoma, Washington, this past Sunday.  It was “National Coffee Day,” and I decided that I would visit Washington State’s most recent Clover – Reserve Starbucks.  This is store#342, and it’s actually a “relocation” store.  This means that a much smaller, nearby cafe-only Starbucks closed, and a larger “relocated” store opened, retaining the same store number.  Often times, the partners move with the store too.

This newer Starbucks is located at 3830 Bridgeport Way, Tacoma, Washington, 98466.  Their number is (253)  565 – 0428.   Since the store has been “relocated,” it carries with it its original grand opening date, which was May 24, 1991.  It opened up in this new location on August 30, 2013, launching its Clover and drive through.

For those who remember, in 1991, the Starbucks logo looked a little different than it does now.  It’s been through changes!  I remember the 1987 – 1992 version logo well, as that time frame dates to my own earliest Starbucks experiences.  In 1991, this store opened with a clock inside of it, featuring the 1987 – 1992 era logo:

IMAG7269 Wall Clock Starbucks store 342 29Sep2013I think it’s pretty cool that the store designers kept the original Starbucks clock to display in this new, large Starbucks.  I remember in the 1990s, it was pretty common that Starbucks stores were designed with a clock on the wall.  That seems pretty rare now.  (The 12th & Columbia Starbucks in Seattle has a modern design with a clock, but  I can’t think of another store where store design team has incorporated a clock into a modern Starbucks store design – of course, I really haven’t been to that many Starbucks stores!)

That old clock hangs over an area of wall seating:

IMAG7276 Wall seating Starbucks Tacoma store 342 29Sep2013I took a few photos facing the espresso bar/Clover area, though mostly the store stayed busy enough that it was hard to get good photos without a million people around:

IMAG7266 Clover area at the 40th and Bridgeport Starbucks 29 Sep 2013IMAG7299 40th and Bridgeport Tacoma Starbucks 29Sep2013

The whole store is really very pretty! There are plenty of comfortable seats and a large community table:

IMAG7291 Interior - 40th and Bridgeport Starbucks 29Sep2013IMAG7288 Interior Starbucks 40th Bridgeport Tacoma 29Sep2013

The funniest thing happened while I was visiting this store: Winter dropped by.  This wasn’t planned at all! This was truly just a coincidence!

IMAG7280 Winter - 40th and Bridgeport Starbucks - 29 Sep 2013Winter is a Starbucks customer who is famous for being on a life-long journey to visit every single Starbucks store, world wide.  I asked him how many stores he has been to, and to date, he has visited more than 11, 400 Starbucks locations.  Wow!  Winter plays competitive Scrabble, and was in the area for a Starbucks tournament, and decided to drop by this store.

We joked a little bit about who is a “famous” customer.  I don’t really think there is anyone who is truly  famous just for being a Starbucks customer.  However, Winter has been featured in the news on numerous occasions, and has his own Wikipedia profile, so I think he totally wins as “most famous” Starbucks customer!  (I think it’s cool he’s got a Wikipedia page!)

As we talked about it, there were only three names of customers that we (or at least I) could come up with who might be “famous” customers.  In case you want to follow all of them, here they are:

  1. Beautiful – On a one year challenge to eat all Starbucks food for the whole year. She blogs about that at her website “For one year of my life.”
  2. Melody – I  try to learn as much as possible about what Starbucks is doing, keep on top of their tests, new stores, promotions and emerging brands, and then write about it here.
  3. Winter – On a journey to visit every Starbucks store.  His website is

Turning back to this beautiful store, here’s what the front of it looks like:

IMAG7263 Front entrance to the 40th and Bridgeport Starbucks 29 Sep 2013

I hope you get the chance to drop by this lovely store.  I am sorry that I missed the store manager when I dropped by on the 29th.  I hear that Melissa, this store’s manager, is fantastic, and of course very proud of her new store.  While I was visiting, a barista named “Becca” came by and offered to sample some Jamaica Blue Mountain, asking me if I had tried it already.  Turns out that is one of her favorite coffees.

Thank you every at store #342 for your excellent hospitality on National Coffee Day.