IMAG8076 Tall Cold Cups - Holiday 2013This year, Starbucks shipped to warm-weather states everywhere very adorable decorative holiday cold cups.  What I mean is that if you are in a Starbucks in places like Texas, Southern California, Hawaii, Florida, instead of having plain cold cups, those stores received these really cute holiday to-go iced beverage cups.

Here in Seattle, we didn’t get them.  That doesn’t surprise me.  I have often heard that we’re not a very high Frappuccino-sales and cold-beverage sales as compared to other areas of the country.  I don’t know the numbers but I’ve been told that kind of thing before.

A reader in Texas sent me a whole set of them!  I don’t usually make an article out of just cups, but these really delighted me!  Each size cup (Tall, Grande, Venti) has a slightly different design on them.  I believe this is the first year that Starbucks has done these holiday iced to-go beverage cups across all the Sun Belt States.  On Facebook, buried in them comments, one partner mentioned that the idea of decorative cold cups was tested in 2012, with Las Vegas receiving a “test” of them in 2012.  She mentioned that they have made the designs better, and that in 2012, the decorations on the cup interfered with marking up the cup with beverage markings.  Consider that tidbit to be unconfirmed.  Nonetheless, I think 2013 is the first year for widespread (warm weather winter markets) holiday iced beverage cups.

I love these.  I wanted you to see them both empty and with a beverage in them, so I took these photos below:

TALL:  (Featuring an iced Caramel Macchiato)

IMAG8074 Tall Holiday Cold CupsIMAG8078 Tall Holiday Cold Cups - 2013

GRANDE: (Featuring a coffee Frappuccino)

IMAG8079 Grande cold cups Holiday 2013IMAG8083 Grande cold cups - Holiday 2013IMAG8085 Grande cold cups - Holiday 2013

VENTI: (Featuring an iced Gingerbread Latte)

IMAG8094 Venti CupsIMAG8093 Venti Holiday cold cups 2013IMAG8088 Venti Holiday Cold Cups - 2013
