Untitled-1 Screen Cap MyStarbucksIdea 26 June 2014I get emails now and then suggesting new article topics on this site. Recently, a reader wrote me asking to write an updated article about MyStarbucksIdea.com.

Starbucks launched MyStarbucksIdea.com in March 2008, at the annual meeting of shareholders, in Seattle. According to Onward (page 135), here’s how that opening curtain moment went:

“Chris Bruzzo walked shareholders through our new website, MyStarbucksIdea.com. Then he officially launched the site onstage and online. Behind the curtains, Alexandra Wheeler sat at a laptop uploading ideas that had been verbally collected from shareholders that morning as they entered the auditorium. Back at the office, some of our moderators sat ready to respond. Within minutes of going live, more ideas came streaming in- “give customers a free coffee on their birthdays,” “free Wi-Fi for all,”-from people listening to the meeting’s broadcast or reading the rolling blog posts. In the next 24 hours, 7,000 ideas were posted to MyStarbucksIdea.com.”

Now you know its very beginnings. I believe that idea for MyStarbucksIdea.com came from Dell computer’s IdeaStorm.com website.

In honor of writing an article about MyStarbucksIdea.com, I even created a new idea! ๐Ÿ˜‰ It seemed only fitting:

To be honest, I don’t spend as much time on MyStarbucksIdea.com as I used to. I still think there are intriguing ideas there and interesting discussions. However, it’s mostly a matter of time. I might find myself using MSI more often if there were a phone app. (Maybe someday, I’ll read that someone on MSI has suggested that Tales of the Siren should be sold in Starbucks stores! LOL. I know that ain’t gonna happen.)

I skimmed through some of the recent ideas, and pulled out some interesting ones that you might want to look at:

Feel free to weigh in about MyStarbucksIdea.com – Have you ever created an idea or voted there? What do you like or don’t like about MyStarbucksIdea.com? Do you think that it’s promoted enough by Starbucks? Do store partners know about it? It represents an enormous opportunity for Starbucks to hear feedback about their brand. I’ve analogized MSI to a weather vane before – it will always tell you which way the storm is blowing, but you’ll lack any fine science about that storm.

I also recently had a request for an open thread. Feel free to weigh in on any Starbucks-related idea.