Red Stamp App Starbucks collectionsThis is super cool.  You can send your favorite Starbucks barista a virtual card via the Red Stamp application on your iPhone or iPad.  Here’s what I’ve heard:

“For years, customers have requested a way to recognize their favorite baristas on It is the #13 most popular idea out of more than 150,000 ideas submitted. The Red Stamp website and app now includes a Starbucks Collection, featuring unique digital and physical greeting cards that empower customers to positively recognize their favorite baristas. Customers can personalize and send barista recognition greeting cards through store email or by postcard.Partners are customers, too – you can recognize your favorite store partner through Red Stamp. Check out the Starbucks Collection at or download the Red Stamp app through iTunes.”
When you open up the “collections” link, there is a category labeled “Starbucks.”  Browse that to find special cards that can be sent to your favorite Starbucks person, and it appears that it can be sent via Facebook, an app, or you can print the e-card.
By the way, I have to apologize for the huge volume of new articles on this site.  I swear, somehow Starbucks just keeps giving me new things to write about.  I promise no new articles over the upcoming weekend!  It will give you a chance to catch up on the new stuff.  Thanks!