I want to know if who could possibly have a more kick-in-the-pants fun job than Brad Nelson? For those who don’t know, Brad is the voice of the @Starbucks twitter profile, as well as tweeting via @StarbucksLive. Today there was a Via “Pep Rally” at the Starbucks headquarters (affectionately also known as “the SSC”, Starbucks Support Center). A small crowd of Starbucks employees gathered in the parking lot in front of the SSC, along with a small mix of media folks, and visitors to hear the University of Washington Marching Band play, and to listen to a few speakers. Then Brad Nelson and Erin Foley drove off in an orange car together, off to proselytize the good news of Via Ready Brew. Melody thinks the Fuller Brush-man invented this style of promoting wares, but in 2009 it is still a timeless thing to do. Brad took a photo of the kickoff event – Click here for his pic.
Brad and Erin are spending two weeks on the road, starting today in Seattle, heading north to Vancouver, then eastward, and ending up in New York on the national Starbucks Via launch day, September 29, 2009. They’ll be making plenty of stops along the way, and likely creating Via converts along the way. What a cool thing to do.
Why am I writing about this? Lordy, I must be a little jealous.
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Hello Melody, I’m the barista who overcharged you then gave you change instead of SBX card credit.
Cool website. Now I can brag that Starbucks has its own “Penelope Taynt”.
If you’d be down, I wouldn’t mind meeting up over a cup of coffee and chatting starbucks stuff. As a fresh (pending) coffee master, I love to explore new avenues of coffee knowledge. my e-mail is howellren23@gmail.com
i’m sooo Jealous too!