1999 Tazo tea in-store Starbucks signage/marketing: The reincarnation of tea
Starbucks recently announced that they would be opening a Tazo tea store. An entire store dedicated to tea! I have heard in the news that this store will be located…
Tazo Tea poster 2008-2009; and enter to win a $30 Starbucks gift card.
Recently (5-6-12), I dropped by a Starbucks in Bellevue, and saw this pretty Tazo tea poster: I like product posters that display a certain romance of the product. I think…
Starbucks stores with the Iced Peach Tazo Tea test: The displays and signs.
Previously, I wrote about the Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade test being featured in a large number of stores. Not all Starbucks have this beverage since it is in the…
Tazo Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade at Starbucks: Melody loves it.
Starbucks is testing a new beverage. It is an “Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade” and it is available in selected Starbucks stores in Austin, Texas; Columbus, Ohio; and San Diego,…
Starbucks introduces a 31-ounce “Trenta” cold drink size on January 18th
Starbucks is introducing a 31-ounce “Trenta” cold drink size on January 18, 2011, in numerous states, with a nationwide launch planned in May of this year. This new, larger, drink size…
Starbucks Tazo Tea – ‘Tis the season of Joy
This blog entry is a guest post written by twitterer @Amazonv (Nicole). She produces her own blog, just for tea drinkers, and writes reviews of tea and tea experiences. You…
Starbucks tests tests tests: a ‘drip only’ line in Chicago and ‘classic’ black tea in Atlanta
Starbucks is testing a drip only express line in Chicago: A reader in Chicago contacted me because he had recently stumbled upon a Starbucks testing a “drip coffee” only line…
15th Avenue Coffee and Tea has its one year anniversary & a little tea education
The Starbucks store known better as “15th Avenue Coffee and Tea” will have its one year anniversary on July 24, 2010. I decided now is the time to take another…
Tea that’s not afraid to mingle…at Starbucks
I’ll be honest, I struggled to write this blog post. My problem mostly is that I don’t have precise information about Tea That’s Not Afraid To Mingle at your local…
The combo cupping: Tea and Coffee; Warmth and fun
This blog post is a mixed-bag of things. It’s a tea cupping (I don’t think I’ve ever talked about a tea cupping before, though I talk about coffee cuppings all…
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