UK launches a new version of Starbucks Card rewards tomorrow (Jan., 5, 2012)
There are Starbucks Card rewards all over the globe, but the perks vary from place to place. I do not profess to be a Starbucks card expert. I think I…
Grand Opening: Starbucks opens a new Clover (and future beer and wine) store in Seattle
Today (Jan., 2, 2012) is the grand opening day for the most recent Starbucks location in Seattle. It’s a beautiful 1800 square foot store in the South Lake Union neighborhood,…
Thank You 2011 for a great Starbucks year. (OPEN THREAD)
Happy New Year to all my readers! Have you made any resolutions for 2012? Don’t forget that you can bring in your tumbler (meaning the limited promo tumbler) for free…
What’s the story behind this 1997 Starbucks whole bean poster?
Attached is an image of a poster advertising Starbucks whole bean coffee. The little bag at the lower right features ‘Bella Vista’ Starbucks coffee. The very small print dates the…
Merry Starbucks Christmas to all!
Happy Holidays everyone! Christmas at Starbucks is here, and so I thought I would collect all of my blog articles talking about Christmas in one place. Every blog article that…
Chocolate covered mango morsels by @tchochocolate and other Starbucks test snacks.
Starbucks has a very small test running of a few sweet snacks. I found them at the same Starbucks store where I found the test automated coffee brewer. In fact,…
You can help a Starbucks partner win her dream wedding.
The story of one Starbucks partner’s wedding dream: One of my regular blog readers (Anne) recently emailed me, asking for help with a quest to get a Starbucks partner a…
Featured Clover Starbucks: 220th & Aurora Avenue in Edmonds, Washington
True story: Overheard in a Starbucks today: “Tell Howie he did a good job.” Today (December 11, 2011), I decided to visit the Starbucks located at the intersection of 220th…
The Shipping Container Starbucks store
On Tuesday, December 13, 2011, Starbucks opened their first store constructed out of shipping containers. The store is located in Tukwila, Washington, at 10100 East Marginal Way, 206 – 762…
Starbucks tests a revolutionary new kind of single cup brew system
Starbucks is testing a new single-cup brewer. This new auto brewer is NOT designed for home use, but rather is completely designed to make the store experience better. I found…
Flashback to Christmas 2007 at Starbucks.
It’s that time of year to be excited about the holidays! I thought I would re-visit Christmas 2007 at Starbucks. I owe a big thank you to regular commenter…
Cliff Burrows on his Starbucks Partner Immersion Experience. (Audio)
Earlier this year, I went to a Starbucks event where Cliff Burrows, President of Starbucks Americas, gave a short and informal presentation. He talked for several minutes, and for about one minute…