This blog post is just a short reminder that I am hoping together to put together a fun blog post featuring real, and candid photos of Starbucks partners in their stores, and in their green aprons. The idea is just to show off some of the fun that can be had inside a Starbucks.

I announced this idea here:

Seeking faces of Starbucks partners – This is not a beauty contest; it’s about fun and smiles

^ Please read that post if you want to join in.  The deadline is August 28, 2010.

I realize now that I created a difficult contest moreso than what I’ve done in the past.  In this case, I asked for partners only to reply and asked for face pics.  I realize now that I really limited the number of potential responses by doing that because a lot of people reading this are customers, and many people are shy about sending self pics to a blog.  So far I’ve had a little more than a dozen people reply, and I’m confident that more are coming!

There are prizes to be had!  I had a previous blog post about Starbucks merchandise in Japan, and in the comments everyone universally loved the magic coffee wands. They look like this:

Click here for image of Starbucks coffee stirrer from Starbucks in Japan

The coffee stirrer from Japan appears in this blog post here:

More cool merchandise from Japan (and blog looks at Iced Via in Japan, which is unsweetened in that market).

So the prizes that go with this contest for candid Starbucks pictures are gift cards and rare coffee stirrers that can only be found in Japan!

Please spread the word about this contest. Use the tweet me button or share on facebook, or however you normally share content.

And I should say thank you again to all my readers. It’s a privilege that I have so many readers. Privilege for sure. I started writing this blog on September 9, 2009, not knowing at all what would happen, and it’s almost a year old. In the one year, many people have found me, and I’m ever appreciative. I don’t really feel very deserving. The blog is the ramblings of one customer who happens to be able to type fast.