There’s something new baking at Starbucks: Palmiers, croissants, petite scones, and chocolate chip cookies!

Starbucks is experimenting with having partners making baked goods in the stores!  It’s a very small test, and from what I know, at this time involves only two Starbucks locations.  The chocolate chip cookies are delicious.  I tried a chocolate chip cookie and a palmier.  From what I understand, all the items are made throughout the day.  The barista who talked to me about the test, told me how much he liked the croissants fresh from the oven!  Apparently there is the thought to expand the freshly-baked items to include more breakfast items, such as a croissant with ham, but this is still at the very earliest testing stage.

By the way, every time I write about test products, I always include the caveat that most tests never make it out of the testing phase.  I’ve written about tests many times, and there is a whole category of them here:  Starbucks test products.  Most tests don’t make it to a national launch.

I tried the palmier and thought it was delicious.  It is very buttery!  (Butter makes everything good.)  I think it would be fun to work on pairing it with coffee since it might work well with Casi Cielo.  I can imagine that it would be great with a Sulawesi too, though Starbucks currently doesn’t offer a Sulawesi coffee.  In looking at my receipt, the palmier sells for $1.50 each, for your information.

I had only my cell phone with me, but I snapped a few photos in the store.  What do you think?