10675730_10155096538995111_2115992303759805636_nNow through February 1st, when you go to Starbucks before 2:00 PM, you’ll get a “Sweet Receipt” when you make a purchase. Hang on to your actual receipt. When you return to Starbucks after 2:00 PM, you can use that receipt to get any pastry item for $1. Enjoy a lemon loaf, a croissant, a chocolate chip cookie, or whatever pastry you like for just one dollar with that receipt. The sweet receipt is good for bakery items. It’s not good for things like paninis, breakfast sandwiches, oatmeal, or any non-bakery item. This is a great way to try what’s new at Starbucks.

Sometimes people ask if they have to return to the same Starbucks in the afternoon. The answer is “no.” You can go to one Starbucks in the morning, grab your morning cup of coffee and hang on to your receipt, and then go to a different Starbucks in the afternoon.

Look for this to be honored in all company-operated Starbucks stores in the U.S. Sometimes licensed stores don’t participate in every promotion.

The “Sweet Receipt” is a relatively new idea for Starbucks and was launched in response customer ideas on MyStarbucksIdea.com!

Enjoy your Sweet Receipt!