2 - 1 - 20151113_080644 signage for gingerbread tea latte tumwater StarbucksThere is an all-new holiday, seasonal drink at Starbucks. It’s the Gingerbread Tea Latte. This drink uses Teavana Royal English Breakfast Tea, with steamed milk (half milk, half water), gingerbread syrup, and a dash of a cinnamony topping.

I had nearly missed that there’s an all new drink!

It’s important that I point it out now because it is part of the buy one, get one free promotion currently underway.

Starbucks Buy One Holiday Drink, Get One Holiday Drink Free!

This means that if you wanted to try this new beverage (and didn’t have a friend with you), you could go in and order the Peppermint Mocha you wanted, and order the second beverage – a Gingerbread Tea Latte – totally free just as a way to try it!

This is a deliciously sweet and wonderful drink. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you partners at the Tumwater store 3372 for the perfect Gingerbread Tea Latte!

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Untitled screencap from Starbucks.com screen cap gingerbread latte captured on 14Nov15

What do you think of the new Gingerbread Tea Latte?

(Just a reminder. If you want to see Teavana articles separated out from StarbucksMelody, visit TeavanaMelody.com)

I know this has nothing to do with the above Gingerbread Tea Latte, but later on the same day I got a Flat White from the Starbucks in Tumwater on Capitol Blvd.  When I saw the drink, I thought of the promo Flat White magnets that used to be on display in the stores. It was a perfect drink!

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